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Creole Week-Breadfruit a starch worth adding to your diet – THIS SITE HAS MOVED

September 17, 2009





Breadfruit being picked with a cutting apparatus

Breadfruit being picked with a cutting apparatus

Breadfruit (Artocarpus communis) other names French Fruit à pain

Freshly cut breadfruit secreting the milk from the tree

Freshly cut breadfruit secreting the milk from the treeBreadfruit Sliced Lengthwise


Breadfruit Chips

Traditionally served with fish this sauce combo will be sure to be please anyone

Traditionally served with fish this sauce combo will be sure to be please anyone

Half breadfruit peeled and de hearted ( is de hearted a word?)

My wrist are pretty week you really need some arm power to get this smooth

My wrist are pretty week you really need some arm power to get this smooth


9 Comments leave one →
  1. September 17, 2009 3:03 pm

    In T&T we call these “pimento peppers”, not that the name is at all the scientific name 🙂 but it might help your search! Although…a quick google just now shows that there might be some OTHER pepper in the world called pimento pepper that is NOT this one…hmm…so maybe not so much help!
    Btw – I love breadfruit! Mom always made a breadfruit chip with some curry powder and seasonings – so GOOD! I got lots of breadfruit chips down in Oistins with my fish, so I thought Bajans were well into that.

    • Taymer permalink*
      September 17, 2009 3:13 pm

      well the older ppl like it but the youth I see do not like these things at all. It is not even about the taste it is about some status or something. I have not been home in a year. I will go to oistins and lurk around. I was happy to see these chips being done again as a street food. I really need a tropical food dictionary or something with all of the names etc. There is one in french I was eyeing that I may get but it does not have in everything but it has a lot of stuff. There was one time I use to speak in just scientific names..good ole UWI days. Thanks for the name I will actively search for the scientific name tonight. Curry powder on these chips will be super. I will sprinkle some on later as I still have some left

  2. bajangyal permalink
    September 17, 2009 3:53 pm

    T, this is one post I will disagree with you on slightly. I actually think there is a growing appreciation for local food/produce amongst the younger generation. Pudding n souse, pickled breadfruit, coucou, yam dishes are a few that are enjoying a resurgence.

    That aside I love breadfruit and breadfruit chips are one of my fave dishes.

  3. Taymer permalink*
    September 17, 2009 4:27 pm

    no M, I went to school with these ppl they do not like roots excluding sweet potato. They only like pie and chicken I know this from seeing it everyday and talking to ppl about my love for roots . The generation above eg ppl in their 30s like the roots but not my generation. It is true M
    When they get older they realise that it taste good and it is good but ppl eat a lot pasta and rice in Barbados now. Maybe this has something to do with the construction boom that has taken place and the cutting down of trees. Before we knew ppl that you could get a breadfruit from in St Michael. Also the farming community in Barbados has decreased and there is more commerce.You are right too as when I went into the vegan restaurant in the city all the green bananas are sold out within an hour.
    I agree there is a resurgence of root veg esp in restaurants but the consumption is not even close to to Guadeloupe.I have met many people in guadeloupe who tell me that a lot of the youth do not want to eat ground provisons either they choose to have pasta everyday instead. I was surprised but I have been speaking to ppl for over a year and that is the gen consensus. It surprised me.

  4. September 18, 2009 8:08 am

    You are so great! The recipes, the writing and the photography are all so beautiful. I love reading your blog and look forward to each new post. I love the idea of those breadfruit chips, so much fun!

  5. Madeleine Soudée permalink
    October 12, 2009 1:11 pm

    The most satisfying dish I know of is a court-bouillon of fish served with boiled breadfruit. To prepare the breadfruit, cut up the fruit in quarters -not ripe or too green-, slice off the heart of each quarter, and peel. Halve the quarters and put them in a pan, covered with salted water, and optionally with the peels. Boil until tender.

  6. pinnaduwa permalink
    August 12, 2010 11:02 am

    i wont know how what’s the dry foods of the bred fruit


  1. Breadfruit Ravioli with Calabaza Squash Filling (Extras: Vegan Brown Butter Sauce) « Vegan In The Sun
  2. Breadfruit Ravioli with Calabaza Squash Filling (Extras: Vegan Brown Butter Sauce) – THIS SITE HAS MOVED | The old Vegan In The Sun

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